The Big Cheque
When we presented Makana Vet Clinic supervet, Amy Jackson-Moss with the first grant from our Spay Campaign in June, she said she’d always wanted a ‘big cheque’! So we obliged!
Thanks to Dupliprint, we were able to give her a BIG cheque today, for the R75 000 which will be used to spay up to 250 dogs and cats from the local community. Here, President of the Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset, Robyn Cooper is with Amy at the Makana Vet Clinic.
But we are not done with collecting for Amy! Please help us out by donating to our Spay Campaign and help us to make a major intervention in the number of stray, hungry animals roaming the streets of Grahamstown.
In the Category Makana Vet Clinic Spay Campaign
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