Rotarians raise their (gin) glasses for polio vaccines
The Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset makes a donation to the PolioPlus fund every year in honour of World Polio Day on 24 October.
Over R4000 was raised for polio vaccines by Makhanda Rotarians through a gin and food-pairing event at Hill Street Manor. At the back from left are Jackie De Klerk, Tanya van Onselen, and Michelle Weyl. In front are Emily Repinz, Jackie Davies, Rhona Shear, and Louise Lloyd. Photo: Jackie Clausen
This year, we held another of our, now, famous gin tasting events as a fundraiser!
Rotarian Kesentri Govender with her trusty helpers put together the event for 5 November at Hill Street Manor, and has raised R4 000 which will be sent to PolioPlus. Rotary Clubs around the world contribute to the fight to end polio by fundraising for the Polio Plus campaign – a global programme of vaccination, matched 2-to-1 with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which triples all donations made by Rotary. Rotary members have contributed nearly $890 million toward polio eradication efforts in the African region. The funds have allowed Rotary to issue PolioPlus grants to fund polio surveillance, transportation, awareness campaigns, and National Immunization Days. To eradicate polio, multiple high-quality immunization campaigns must continue to be given priority. Global health officials and experts say that sustained fundraising and advocacy are still crucial, not only to protect gains in Africa, but to reach the ultimate goal of a world without polio.
Belinda Tudge, Sally Terry and Izak Smuts tuck in. Photo: Jackie Clausen
Some of the food paired with gin at Saturday’s event. Photo: Jackie Clausen
Kesentri Govender and Anita Sonne at the event. Photo: Jackie Clausen
In the Category PolioPlus
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