Polar Plunge Update

Since the Polar Plunge at Grey Dam on 21 June, kind citizens of Grahamstown have been delivering blankets and warm clothes at PG Glass for us to distribute to needy families who are struggling to keep warm.

Donations streamed in from as far away as Gqebera. Today, we were able to deliver a bakkie-load to St Mary’s Day Care Centre who will see that the clothing and blankets reach the neediest of families. With the weather threatening to be icy cold again this weekend, we hope that the blankets, beanies, jerseys, quilts, jackets and other winter clothing will bring comfort to children and adults who need them.

Thanks to Rotarian Tim Dold and the staff at PG Glass for collecting all the donations and to St Mary’s Centre Manager, Caron May and Administrater, Lyndall Gysman for distribution and assistance. Here at the delivery this morning, Rotarians Tim Dold, Luc Marechal (who swam in the icy waters of Grey Dam at the Polar Plunge!), President of the Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset, Robyn Cooper, Lyndall Gysman and Caron May from St Mary’s, and Rotarian Jane Bradshaw.

Thank you to all the lovely people of Grahamstown / Makhanda who donated to this collection of warm winter things!

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