100 For 100 Christmas Collection
For just R100 Sponsor a Christmas Gift for a Child in Need
“100 for 100” Christmas Collection
Help us share the love and bring Christmas to Grahamstown/Makhanda kids who would otherwise not receive anything during this special time of year.
The Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset has participated in the Tree of Joy project for many years, but this year we have decided, in the interests of keeping things COVID-friendly, to collect R100 for 100 children (or more if we can!). In keeping with our focus this year on Water and Sanitation as a theme, we would like to make up gift boxes containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, a face cloth and a bar of soap – as well as a small toy and sweets. So it will be a useful and necessary gift with a small treat for the children too. We’ve priced these items and R100 will cover it. We will identify needy children in Grahamstown/Makhanda (between the ages of 4-8 years old) and we are asking you to sponsor one (or more!) of our Christmas boxes for R100.
There’s something in it for you too – for each R100 donated, you will be entered into a draw for a fabulous Christmas hamper – think wine, biltong, mince pies, nuts and chocolate!
Pledge your donation by completing the form below – and help us to make up AT LEAST 100 gift boxes for R100 for 100 deserving children – “100 for 100”.