GBS Mutual Bank Mountain Drive Half Marathon

The GBS Mutual Bank Mountain Drive Half Marathon offers runners a tough run, but the views of the town and vistas all the way to the coast make it worth it! Hosted by the Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset, runners enjoy the slick organization and the camaraderie of this event. In 2024, the Oldenburgia Trailrun will be held on 24 August.




Makana Vet Spay Campaign

It is said that one female dog and her offspring, unspayed and with no breeding obstacles can produce 67 000 puppies in the course of six years. Because cats are such fertile breeders, one single unspayed female can produce 20,000 descendants over just five years. The Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset has partnered with GBS Mutual Bank, which has already pledged R50 000 to kickstart this campaign.  Together with the Makana Vet Clinic led by Dr Amy Jackson-Moss, we aim to spay 250 dogs and cats in the Grahamstown community.

We need your support.


Catch Up with Our Club

Catch Up with Our Club

Our Rotary Wellness Day in Salem

Our Rotary Wellness Day in Salem

Our Rotary Wellness Day in Salem kicked off with a good crowd and wonderful support from the Department of Health. The Rotary Clubs of Grahamstown and Grahamstown Sunset members were on hand to assist.

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Polar Plunge Update

Polar Plunge Update

Since the Polar Plunge at Grey Dam on 21 June, kind citizens of Grahamstown have been delivering blankets and warm clothes at PG Glass for us to distribute to needy families who are struggling to keep warm.

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“Rotary changes us and those we serve.
I believe we can change the world one life at a time.”

Rotary Founder, Paul Harris